Cards (5)

  • Why does blood glucose rise when you eat food?
    1)Food is digested into glucose.
    2)Glucose is absorbed from the small intestine into the blood.
    3)Blood glucose level increase
  • After you have eaten some food.
    1)Blood glucose concentration increases.
    2)Insulin is released from the pancreas.
    3)Insulin is transported to the liver
    4)Insulin causes liver cell to take out glucose and convert glucose into glycogen.
    5)Blood glucose levels decrease.
  • When blood glucose levels are too low(often after exercise)
    1)Pancreas release a hormone called glucagon
    2)Glucagon is transported in the blood to the liver.
    3)Glucagon causes the liver cell to convert glycogen into glucose, and glucose is released into the blood.
    4)Blood glucose level increases.
  • Type 1 diabetes(occurs mostly in young people)
    -Cause->Pancreas does not producee insulin as cells have been destroyed by immune system.
    -Treatment- Inject insulin into fat layer in the skin(keeps blood glucose low)/Exercise to reduce blood glucose level
  • Type 2 diabetes(occurs mostly in adulthood)
    -Cause- The cells in the body dont respond well to insulin and they become resistant
    -Treatment- Changing diet(eating less sugary and fatty foods)by exercising more