function of the circulatory system: multicellular organisms like mammals have a low surface area to volume ratio so need a specialised mass transport system to carry raw materials from specialised exchange organs to their body cells
structure of circulatory system: made up of the heart and blood vessels
heart pumps blood through blood vessels (arteries, arterioles, veins ad capillaries) to reach diff parts of the body
pulmonary artery - carries blood from the heart to the lungs
pulmonary vein - caries blood from the lungs to the heart
aorta - carries blood from the heart to the body
vena cava - carries blood from the body to the heart
renal artery - carries blood from the body to the kidneys
renal vein - carries blood from the kidneys to the vena cava
blood transports respiratory gases, products of digestion, metabolic wastes and hormones around the body
there are 2 circuits
one takes blood from the heart to the lungs then back to the heart
the other loop takes blood around the rest of the body
so the blood has to go through the heart twice to complete one full circuit
the heart has its own blood supply - the left and right coronary arteries
vena cave = deoxygenated blood to the heart
aorta = oxygenated blood to the body
pulmonary artery = deoxygenated blood to the lungs
blood always flows from a higher pressure to a lower pressure
vena cava is the final blood vessel that takes blood back to the heart from the body - lowest pressure
carry blood fromtheheart to the rest of the body
thick and muscular walls with elastictissue to stretch and recoil as the heart beats - helps to maintainhighpressure
inner lining (endothelium) is folded allowing artery to stretch - also helps to maintain high pressure
all arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery - deoxygenated blood to lungs
arteries divide into smaller vessels called arterioles
form a network throughout the body
blood directed to different areas of demand in body by muscles inside arterioles
contract to restrict the blood flow
relax to allow full blood flow
take blood back to the heart under low pressure
wider lumen than equivalent arteries
very little elastic tissue or muscle inside
valves - prevent backflow
blood flow through veins is helped by contraction of body muscles surrounding them
all carry deoxygenated blood (oxygen has been used up by body cells) except for pulmonary veins - carry oxygenated blood to hear from lungs
arterioles branch into capillaries - smallest of the blood vessels
substances (e.g. glucose and oxygen) exchanged between cells and capillaries - adapted for efficient diffusion
always found very near cells in exchange tissues (e.g. alveoli in lungs) - shorter diffusion path
walls are only 1 cell thick - also shortens diffusion pathway
large number of capillaries to increase surface area for exchange
networks of capillaries in tissue = capillary beds
Tissue fluid:
the fluid that surrounds cells in tissues
Tissue fluid:
made from small molecules that leave the blood plasma e.g. oxygen, water and nutrients
doesn't contain any red blood cells or big proteins like blood does bc too large to be pushed out through capillary walls
cells take in oxygen and nutrients from the tissue fluid and release metabolic waste into it
in a capillary bed substances move out of the capillaries into the tissue fluid by pressure filtration
at the start of the capillary bed, nearest the arteries the hydrostatic (liquid) pressure inside the capillaries is greater than the hydrostatic pressure in the tissue fluid.
This difference in hydrostatic pressure mans an overall outward pressure forces fluid out of the capillaries and into the spaces around the cells forming tissue fluid
as fluid leaves the hydrostatic pressure reduces in the capillaries - so the hydrostatic pressure is much lower at the venule end of the capillary bed (nearest the veins)
due to the fluid loss and an increasing conc. of plasma proteins (don't leave he capillaries), the water potential at the venule end of the capillary bed is lower than the water potential in the tissue fluid
this means that some water re-enters the capillaries from the tissue fluid at the venule end by osmosis
any excess tissue fluid is drained into the lymphatic system (network of tubes that acts a bit like a drain) - transports this excess fluid from the tissues and passes it back into the circulatory system
blood plasma is the liquid that carried everything in the blood
pressure filtration - filtration happening under pressure - describes the process by which small molecules are filtered out of the capillaries under hydrostatic pressure forming tissue fluid
pressure is the highest at the start of a capillary bed nearest the arterioles - this is caused by the left ventricle contracting and sending the blood out of the heart, though the arteries and arterioles at high pressure
high blood pressure means a high hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries which can lead to an accumulation of tissue fluid in the tissues