Cards (10)

  • After fertilization, zygote foes through a series of mitotic division, with very little time between each
  • Reaches around 64 cells (solid balls), called a...?

  • Morula is not much larger than original single cell
  • Begins to hallow out become blastocyst
  • Blastocyst will secrete digestive enzymes to burrow into uterine lining (recall it should be thickest now) about 1 week after fertilization
  • Blastocyst will secrete digestive enzymes to burrow into uterine lining (recall it should be thickest now) about 1 week after fertilization. This is called...?
  • Blastocyst can begin to differentiate
  • Cluster of cells form inside blastocyst
  • This inner cell mass will become the embryo
  • Trophoblast surrounding this will become the placenta and umbilical cord