cellular and molecular events of development are regulated by molecular interactions and signalling in local environment
lateral folding
in week 4, establishes 3D tube shape of embryo, guttube, neuraltube, and hearttube. right and left sides move ventrally, then medially, and fuse with the opposite side on the midline
cephalocaudal folding
in week 4, folding at cranial and caudal end to form head fold and tail fold
the embryo and placenta develop within the endometrium of one wall of the uterus
nervoussystem and epidermisofskin
muscle tissues, connective tissue, much of urinary and reproductive system, as well as serousmembranes of body cavities
epithelium of digestive and respiratory systems, many endocrine glands, and parts of the reproductive system
Ectoderm near midline forms the neural plate → neural folds & neural groove → neuraltube → centralnervoussystem (CNS)
neural crest cells become peripheral nervous system ganglia, Schwanncells, Merkelcells, and melanocytes
cranial end forms:
cerebralhemispheres, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons and cerebellum, and medulla
caudal end forms the spinal cord
epidermis is mostly from ectoderm, melanocytes and merkel cells are from the neural crest of ectoderm. exception: langerhanscells are from mesoderm
dermis is mostly from mesoderm
Hair follicles, sebaceousglands, sweat glands, mammaryglands develop as invaginations of epidermis (from ectoderm)
skeletal system is from mesoderm, except for many skullbones (from ectoderm)
vertebrae and ribs are from the paraxial mesoderm, which forms somites
limb bones are from lateral plate somatic mesoderm
skeletal muscle is from the mesoderm: somites and somitomeres
cardiovascular system is almost entirely from mesoderm, a bit of the heart is from neuralcrestectoderm
in week 3, blood vessels begin to form
in week 4, hearttubefolds, and begins to contract to pumpblood
in weeks 5-8, heart chambers are separated by septa and valves