the 4 things that make up the SLT applied to aggression are:
direct learning
indirect learning
sociallearning requires attention,retention, motor reproduction and motivation
self efficacyincreases each time aggression brings rewards
Bandura'ssocial learning theoryacknowledged that aggression can be learneddirectly through operantconditioning. For example, a child who angrilysnatches a toy learns aggression brings rewards (directpositivereinforcement)
observational learning explains most aggression:
a childobservesmodels like a parent being aggressive
children also observe the consequences of a modelsaggressivebehaviour
if the models aggressivebehaviour is rewarded the childlearnsaggression can be effective in gettingwhat they want. This is vicarious reinforcement as it is morelikely that the child will imitate the modelsaggressivebehaviour
cognitive conditions needed for observational learning are:
motor reproduction- observerrepeatsbehaviourbased on memory
motivation- observerimitatesbehaviours if they have the expectation that behavingaggressively will be rewarded
self efficacy is the extent to which we believe our actions will achieve a desiredgoal. A child'sconfidence in their ability to be aggressivegrows as they learn that aggression can bringrewards.
Banduraetalstudy in SLT of aggression procedure: youngchildrenindividuallyobserved a male or femaleadultmodelplaying with a Bobo doll. Some childrenobserved the modelbehavingaggressivelytowards the doll and others observed the model behaving nicely to the doll.Children were then taken into a room where there was a Bobodoll.
bandoraetalstudy in SLT of aggression findings and conclusions: children in the aggressivemodelconditionimitated the behaviour they observed.Boys were morelikely than girls to imitatesamesexmodel.Children in the non-aggressivecondition showed almost no aggression
One strength is researchsupport for its explanation of aggression. Researchers found that aggressiveboys formed friendships with otheraggressive boys. The friendshipsmutuallyreinforcedaggression through modelling. The boysobserved each other successfully using proactiveaggression, so they were frequentlyexposed to models of aggression and its positiveconsequences. These sociallearningprocesses made imitation of aggressivebehaviour by the boys more likely,supporting the predictions of SLT
One strength is that SLT can help reduceaggression.Children readily imitatemodels when they observe them beingrewarded for anybehaviour including aggression, especially if they identify with them. The samelearningprocesses can reduceaggression. For example, children from friendships with childrenrewarded for beingnon-aggressive or non-aggressivebehaviour can be shown by mediacharacters. Therefore SLT offers practicalsteps to reduce the development of aggressivebehaviour in children
One limitation is that SLT undermines the influence of biologicalfactors. Bandura recognised the role of biology as the aggressiveurge is instinctive but the form of aggressiontakes is learned and the outcome of nurture. However, there are powerfulestablishedgenetic,evolutionary,neural and hormonal influences on aggression that SLT barley acknowledges. Therefore, SLT is an incompleteexplanation of aggressionbecause it underplays the role of biologicalfactors