Psychological explanation - Eyesenck

Cards (13)

  • What did eyesenck believe ?
    • there are identifiable personality traits that have a genetic basis. he explained that character traits tends to cluster along three dimensions
  • What are 3 parts ?
  • How did eysenk believe personality could be measured ?
    • a questionaire
    • eyesenck personality questionnaire
    • 100 questions
  • What was eyesencks theory ?
    • criminal personality is neurotic extrovert
    • scored highly on measures of neuroticism(unstable and over anxious + nervous)
    • and extroversion (sensation - seeking + outgoing)
    • offenders will score highly on measures of psychoticism - cold, prone to aggression
  • What did eyesenck suggest ?
    • each trait has a biological basis with 67% being due to genetics
  • Extroverts ?
    • chronically under- aroused nervous system
    • constantly seek excitement
    • engage in risk taking + dangerous behaviour
    • crime can be thrilling
  • Neurotics ?
    • more reactive sympathetic nervous system
    • unable to react easily
    • get upset quickly
    • over react to situations or threat
    • crime is an emotionally charged response
  • Psychotics ?
    • easily linked to offending behaviour
    • aggressive + lack empathy
    • crime is a result of minimal concern for others or a conscience
  • What else does eyesenck suggest other than a biological responses ?
    • criminality is the outcome of our innate personality and our socialisation
    • viewed criminality as development immature, with crime providing instant gratification
    • delayed gratification is thank to children through conditioning
    • people with high extroversion and neuroticism had nervous system that made them difficult to condition
    • do not easily learn to respond to antisocial impulses with anxiety , more likwlt to act in antisocial ways
  • Evaluation ?
    1. Eyesenck
    2. farrington
    3. mischel
  • eysenck ?
    • compared 2070 male prisoners scores on epq with 2422 control
    • grouped by age
    • results found all age groups scores higher in the E,N,P dimensions
  • Farrington ?

    reviewed several studies and reported that offenders score highly on p but not e/n.
    • little evidence of consistent differences in eeg scans between extraverts and introverts
  • Mischel
    Self reporting is unreliable and personality isn’t consistent
    • asked family, friends, and shat Vera to rate 63 students in various situations and found no correlation between traits displayed