3.1-3.3 Anglo Saxon Society in 1065

Cards (21)

  • How was England divided in 1065?
    into shires (counties) which had burhs (fortified town)
  • What were burhs used for?

    • local people could go to for safety
    • used to trade
    government used them
  • How was society divided into heirarchy?
  • What was the role of the King?
    • had to be strong leaders as well as warriors to protect kingdom
    • owned more land and had to raise taxes to play for defence, roads, bridges and burhs
    • responsibile for law courts, making new laws and work of the Church
  • How was Edward the Confessor different to other kings?
    he left most matters to his advisers and focused on Church affairs
  • What was the role of the Earls?
    • if part of Witan (powerful lords and bishops) they advised King, very influential and could decide King
    • didn't have their own army but led fyrd (army of ceorls/thralls)
    • held shire courts twice a year
    • they were extremely rich and powerful but had intense rivalries as they struggled for power
  • What was the role of the Thegns?
    • around 5000 thegns
    • to be a thegn you had to own at least 250 hectares of land
    • ran local courts
    • collected taxes
    • helped King manage realm (land)
  • What was the role of the Ceorls?
    • made up majority of Englands population
    • Ceorls mean free Saxons who work on the land
    • most grew crops and raised animals
    • some skilled tradesman
    • some owned own horses and land but many paid rent to thegn and worked on his land
    • had to serve in fyrd army in times of war
    • took part in trials in local courts
  • What were thralls?
    10% of population
    • they were enslaved and property of master
    • could not leave to find work elsewhere
  • What happens if someone is killed in 1065?
    person responsible has to pay wergild, if they could not pay they were executed
  • What was a cow worth?
    1 shilling
  • What are the following peoples wergild?
    King - 18000
    Prince - 9000
    Earl - 4800
    Thegn - 1200
    Ceorl - 160
    Trall - 0
  • What was a womans wergild?

    same as a man of the same rank
    double if she was pregnant
  • What religion was pre-christian?

    pagan: worship of the natural universe
  • How did Anglo-Saxons not follow Pope rules?
    • some villages do not have churches, worship round stone cross
    eat and drink to much - gluttony
    • sexual immoral - lust
    • people can not read so Bibles are only for priests
    • make lots of saints
    • still have pagan beliefs such as elves, goblins and use of charms
  • Who was Dunstan?
    a monk who became Archbishop of Canterbury
  • What did Dunstan do to improve Church standards?
    • ended corruption amoung Church leaders
    • improved education for monks, nuns and priests
    • forbid preists to marry
    • rebuild churches, abbeys and monasteries
  • How did Stigand turn the church backwards?
    pluralism: he had two Church positions at once
    simony: sold off Church post for money
  • How do we know that Anglo-Saxons produced high-quality art?
    Alfred Jewel was made with gold and high-quality enamel with fine sculpting
  • How do we know that Anglo-Saxons had literature?
    Beowulf is still around today
  • What were Anglo-Saxon buildings like?
    • most build from wood, clay and straw meaning they were a fire risk
    rectangular, one-storey with thatched roofs
    • had carved woodwork, fine platerwork and painted walls
    burhs for safety
    churches were much less common and usually wooden
    Westminster Abbey - built in stone and wich larger than any other Anglo-Saxon churches