25cm long fibromuscular tube that conveys food and liquids from pharynx to stomach
Esophagus has 3 parts
Cervical part: 4cm long
Thoracic part: 20cm
Abdominal part: 1-5cm
Extension of esophagus
Begins as continuation of pharynx at C6level
Pierces diaphragm at T10level to join stomach
Terminates at T11 levels
Relations of cervical part of esophagus
Anterior: trachea; recurrent laryngeal nerves
Laterally: lobes of thyroid gland and common carotid
Posterior: longus coli, prevertebral fascia and cervical vertebra
Relations of thoracic part of Esophagus
Anterior: trachea, arch of aorta, left principal bronchus, pericardium
Posterior: thoracic vertebra, right posterior intercostal arteries, azygous vein, thoracic duct, descending thoracic aorta at lower end.
Right sid: right mediastenal pleura, terminal part of azygous
Left side: left mediastinal pleura, left subclavian, thoracic duct
Course of esophagus
Begins in neck at lower border of cricoid cartilage
in thorax, passes downward and to the left through the superior mediastinum (tracheas and arch of aorta anteriorly)
In posterior mediastinum (present anteriorly to thoracic aorta)
At sternal angle (T4) arch of aorta and left main bronchus pushes esophagus again to midline
In abdomen it descends for 1.3cm and joins stomach btw T10-11. Fibers from right crus of diagram form a sling around the Esophagus
At the opening of diagram its accompanied by: the two vagi, branches of left gastric vessels and lympahtic vessels.
Esophagus relations
Relations of abdominal Esophagus
Anterior: anterior vagal trunk (left vagus) + left lobe of liver
Posterior: post vagal trunk (right vagus) + left crus of diagram
Arterial venous and lymphatic drainage of cervical part of esophagus
Arterial: inferior thyroid arteru
Veins: into inferior thyroid veins
Lymph: deep cervical nodes
Arterial, venous and lymphatic drainage of thoracic esophagus
Arterial: descending thoracic aorta and bronchial arteries
Vein: azygous and hemiazygous
Lymph: sup and inf mediastenal nodes
Arterial, venous and lymphatic drainage of abdomjnal esophagus
Arterial: left gastric artery+ lest inferior phrenic
vein: left gastric vein and inf hemiazygous veins
Lymph: celiac group of nodes
Nerve supply to esophagus
Sympathetic: sympathetic trunk: from T5-T9
Parasympathetic: right + left vagus + left recurrent laryngeal
At root of lungs the vagus nerve joins the sympathetic nerves to form esophageal plexus
Motility of esophagus is controlled by autonomic nervous system with parasympathetic stimulation increasing peristaltic activity and sympathetic inhibiting it.
Cervical Constrictions of esophagus
Cerical constriction: 15cm from incisor teeth. Caused by constriction of cricopharyngeal muscles. Function: prevents air from entering stomach during breathing
Aortic constriction of esophagus
Cause by arch of aorta: occurs as esophagus passes behind arch of aorta into posterior mediastenum
9inches from incisor
Bronchoaortic constriction of esophagus
11inches from incisor
when esophagus is crossed by aortic arch and left main bronchus
Diaphragmatic constriction
Where Esophagus passed through oesophageal hiatus of diagram
Structure: lower oesophageal sphincter is a segment of circular muscles located at gastroesoohageal junction
Prevents reflux of gastric contents into esophagus
Oesophageal constrictions are common points where swallowed objects or food can become lodges causing obstruction
Pathological narrowing such as peptic strictures, malignancies occurs at or near these natural constriction.
Constrictions of esophagus.
15cm from incisors teeth
Aortic constriction: 23cm from incisors
left main bronchus: 28cm from incisors
diaphragmatic constriction: 40cm from incisors
Esophagus is attached to esophageal hiatus via two ligaments known as phrenoesophageal ligaments.
these are made up of two limbs
asceding limb consists of supradiaphragmatic endothoracic fascia
descending limb: infradiaphragmatic transversalis fascia. Abdominal esophagus is an intraperitoneal organ: suspended by grastrophrenic lig.
Esophagus blood supply
cervical esophagus: inferior thyroid a
thoracic esophagus: esophageal branches of thoracic aorta + bronchial arteries
abdominal esophagus: left gastric artery (celic trunk)