1.1-1.3 Medieval Britain

Cards (24)

  • What was housing like in the countryside during the Medieval period?
    lord of manour lived in large manour house
    peasants houses varied in size, usually small wodden hut covered in mud
    • animals were valuable so were kept in houses
    open fires - smoke escaped through thatched roof
    windows were small with wooden shutters
  • What was housing in the towns like during the Medieval period?
    • built close together in town centres
    • only rich had gardens
    • workshops of tradesmen and craftsmen were part of house
    • suppose to clean gutters and drains near house - not many did
  • What was water in the countryside like during the Medieval period?
    fresh water from springs or conduits
    • springs sometimes shared with animals - water not always clean
  • What was water like in the towns during the Medieval period?
    conduits (pipes) that bought spring water to some towns
    water sellers sold water - in leather sacks
  • What was waste like in the countryside during the Medieval period?

    midden (waste heap) in garden
    cesspits near village houses
    • waste used for fertiliser
  • What was waste like in towns during the Medieval period?

    • public latrines were often found in markets
    rakers removed waste from towns
    • cesspits used and cleared by gongfermors - taken to outside town walls for field use or tipped into streams
  • What was poor Medieval diet like?
    bread made from rye - could have fungal disease leading to illness and death
    pottage - a thick vegetable soup
    ale and cider - healthier than water
  • What was rich Medieval diet like?
    • wide variety of meat - no meat on friday only fish
    • also had access to eggs, cheese, nuts and fruits
    • used honey as sweetener
  • When was the first plauge outbreak?

  • When was Medieval Britian?

  • What was the name of the first plauge outbreak?
    Black Death
  • What are the 3 types of plauge?
  • What are the symptoms of bubonic plauge?
    buboes (swelling in armpits and groin)
    death - few days
  • What are the symptoms of speticaemic plauge?
    fingers, toes and nose turn black
  • What are the symptoms of pneumonic plauge?
    • coughing up blood
    chest pain
    breathing difficulties
    death - 2 days
  • What were Medieval ideas of the causes of plauge?
    • god was punishing people for their sins
    • unusual planet movements
    miasma - belief that bad smells cause disease
    humour imbalance - vulnerable to plauge
  • What were Medieval treatments?
    toads and chickens used to draw out disease
    • blood letting (removing blood) to balance humours
  • How did Medieval people try to protect themselves against the plauge?
    • burned rosemary to purify air (treat miasma)
    • confessed sins and beg for forgiveness
    shut themselves in houses
    rich ran away to countryside to find pure air
    • forced loggers into street if they showed any signs
    flagellants - whipped themsleves for forgiveness
  • How did Medieval church help people?
    • needed clean water for religious ceremonies
    • did day-to-day washing of linen and people
    rich and powerful - paid for pipes over long distances
    • some monasteries had hospitals attached
  • How did town authorities improve filthy roads and market places?
    • solution
    -> paved market places using tax
    • effects
    -> better trade
    -> idea spread to other towns
  • How did town authorities improve dung heaps?
    • solution
    -> moved to edge of towns
    • effects
    -> less chance of bacteria spreading
  • How did town authorities improve dumping waste?
    • solution
    -> name and shame waste dumpers
    • effects
    -> purer water supply
  • How did town authorities improve poor quality meat?
    • solution
    -> guilds (associations) of food producers set standards
    -> finded producers who didn't follow
    • effects
    -> safer meat and other foods
  • What happend in 1385?
    wardens appointed to check whether London streets were clean