The renaissance was a period where people asked questions and found answers and experimented. Inspiration was found in Greek and Roman texts, but people criticised them as well
The printing press was invented in 1451, meaning ideas could spread faster
Scientists, doctors, traders and artists all were part of the movement, contributing to many different things
People didn’t want to accept the answers given to them, so they set out to find out for themselves
The ideas started and mainly remained in Italy but spread all over Europe
Because of new drugs that were discovered in the americas, chances of survival improved and people started to have more faith in doctors
New weapons such as gunpowder introduced new injuries, so new techniques were developed to treat them
The invention of the printing press meant that knowledge of basic hygiene and sanitation was spread more widely, and there was also a rise in the number of doctors due to this
The catholic church no longer dictated what doctors could learn or challenge thanks to the forming of new religions such as Protestantism, so progress was very fast
Medical schools and practice before qualifying meant that doctors would get more accurate results in experiments and treat more safely, because they were no longer following centuries old mistakes
The introducing of diagrams into medical books meant that even illiterate people coild understand how the body worked to an extent, and gave doctors a clear view of inside the body without dissection