Harvey (1578-1657)

Cards (13)

  • Born in england
  • Studied at Cambridge and padua
  • Became doctor to Charles I in 1632
  • Theory of the circulation of blood
  • Harvey proved that blood circulated through the body by observing the movement of blood in a dissected heart, galens theory of blood being made in the liver
  • His ideas meant less bloodletting, a popular treatment based on the four humors
  • Critics said he was mad
  • He couldn’t explain why his theories were correct, so people disregarded his theories
  • Doctors from Padua and the Middle East‘s theories supported his ideas
  • Criticised Galen so his ideas weren’t accepted
  • Significant to diagnosis and improvement of surgery
  • Didn’t really have an impact until his theories were put into practice and explained
  • Formed the foundation for modern medicine