
Cards (139)

  • Force
    Any push or pull
  • Types of forces
    • Contact forces (when objects are physically touching)
    • Non-contact forces (like magnetism, electrostatic forces, gravity)
  • Contact forces
    • Normal contact force (pushing a door)
    • Friction
    • Air resistance
    • Tension
  • Resultant force
    The net force acting on an object when multiple forces are present
  • Finding resultant force
    1. Technically adding the vectors
    2. If forces are in opposite directions, one must be negative
  • Finding resultant force (vectors at right angles)
    1. Use Pythagoras
    2. Use trigonometry (SOH CAH TOA)
  • Balanced forces
    Forces that add up to zero, so the object will not accelerate
  • Scalar
    A quantity with magnitude but no direction
  • Vector
    A quantity with both magnitude and direction
  • Weight
    The force due to gravity acting on an object, calculated as mass * gravitational field strength
  • Gravitational field strength on Earth is 9.8 N/kg (often rounded to 10 N/kg)
  • Lifting an object at constant speed
    The upward force must equal the weight of the object
  • Gravitational potential energy
    Energy gained when an object is lifted, calculated as mass * gravitational field strength * height
  • Hooke's law
    Force = Spring constant * Extension
  • Spring constant
    The stiffness of a spring, measured in N/m
  • Hooke's law applies to any object that stretches or compresses elastically
  • Experiment to demonstrate Hooke's law
    1. Hang masses from a spring and measure the extension
    2. Plot a graph of force vs extension, which should be a straight line through the origin
  • Moment
    A turning force, equal to force * perpendicular distance to the pivot
  • The unit for moment is newton-metres (N·m)
  • Principle of moments
    If the clockwise and anticlockwise moments are balanced, the object will not turn
  • Pressure
    Force per unit area, calculated as force / area
  • Unit of pressure
    Pascals (Pa) or Newtons per square metre (N/m^2)
  • Gas pressure
    Caused by collisions of gas particles with surfaces, can be increased by adding more gas, reducing volume, or increasing temperature
  • Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude due to fewer gas particles
  • Velocity
    Speed with direction, measured in m/s
  • Acceleration
    Rate of change of velocity, measured in m/s^2
  • Finding displacement from a velocity-time graph
    The area under the graph gives the displacement
  • Newton's equations of motion
    Equations relating displacement, initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, and time
  • Newton's first law
    An object's motion is constant (including 0 m/s) unless acted on by a resultant force
  • Inertia
    The tendency for an object's motion to stay constant unless acted on by a resultant force
  • Newton's second law
    Force = Mass * Acceleration
  • Proving Newton's second law experimentally
    1. Use a trolley on a track, pulled by weights over a pulley
    2. Measure acceleration and plot force vs acceleration graph, which should be a straight line through the origin
  • Newton's third law
    For every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force
  • Thinking distance
    The distance travelled before reacting to a stimulus
  • Braking distance
    The distance travelled while braking
  • Doubling speed
    Quadruples braking distance
  • Momentum
    Mass * Velocity, a vector quantity
  • In a collision, total momentum is always conserved, even if kinetic energy is not
  • Doubling your speed
    Quadruples your braking distance
  • Your car needs to lose all of its kinetic energy which is equal to half MV squared