Goodnight Loving Trail

Cards (10)

  • Goodnight-Loving Trail

    A cattle trail from Texas to the new populations in the West
  • Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving established the Goodnight-Loving Trail
  • The Navajo Indians, who were being kept in a reservation near Fort Summer, were close to starvation due to poor government planning
  • Goodnight and Loving's actions
    1. Drove thousands of cattle north to the reservation
    2. Sold cattle to the starving Indians for a huge profit
  • This was the beginning of Goodnight's incredibly profitable cattle career
  • Goodnight-Loving Trail
    • It was dangerous
    • It passed through hostile Indian Territory
    • Attacks from Plains Indians were frequent
  • Oliver Loving died from a Comanche attack
  • However, Goodnight continued to drive cattle along the trail
  • Goodnight sold huge numbers of cattle to John Illif who had recently created the open range
  • Goodnight's Texan ranch expanded to one million acres due to his success