computers perform branching instructions by transferring control to different parts of the program, depending on the result of a decision
In all programming repsonses where code is given use line numbers, except for high mark repsonses. It is not needed there
Abstraction is hiding unnecessary detail, generally lower level parts hidden from higher parts of a program. For example a main would likely call functions, which acts as general detail, where as the declaration is specific detail
An abstraction layer contains inputs, outputs. Additionally it may contain variables and constants, aswell as key processes and repeated processes.
Presence checks are done with a comparison of a variable to None, however if it is a string such as input then use quotation marks with an empty string
Type checks are done in python using isinstance() for a boolean result, however for inputs you must use try... except... blocks
Format checks are best done using slices and in
Insertion sorts are very slow, however they are useful when adding an element to a sorted array
Insertion sorts work by:
Compare firstelement to newelement
Shift the unsorted element to its correctposition.
Advance the sorted/unsorted listmarker to the right one element.