Cognitive approach

Cards (7)

  • What does the cognitive approach argue about gambling?
    That gambling can be explained via cognitive biases and maladaptive thought processes
  • What are cognitive biases?
    A pattern of thinking and processing information that can distort perception
  • What were some of the cognitive biases identified?
    Illusion of control, availability bias and gamblers fallacy
  • What is illusion of control?
    Where gamblers think of gambling as a skill-based activity and think they have control over their wins
  • What is gamblers fallacy?
    When gamblers believe that if they have a winning streak they are more likely to continue winning
  • What is availability bias?
    When gamblers create a false image based on past wins
  • What did Griffins study show about cogitative biases?
    That regular gamblers made more irrational statements and saw themselves as more skillful than the control group