Key Terms

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  • Vertical Integration
    Where one company owns all of the stages of production of media products – for example a company owning a film production studio, and the cinema where the film is shown.
  • Horizontal integration

    Where one company diversifies to own more types of media – e.g. when a film production company also gets into book publishing.
  • Lateral expansion or diversification
    When media companies branch out into non media areas – e.g. Virgin Media getting into trains and insurance.
  • Global Conglomeration
    Where companies in one country buy up companies in other countries. News Corp, for example, owns media outlets in several different countries.
  • Synergy
    Where a media product is sold in several different forms – often as a form of marketing. For example, a company produces a film for cinema, then a DVD, a T.V. spin off series, a sound track for download, maybe a cartoon strip and some action figures too.
  • Technological convergence
    Where traditional media companies link with IT companies to make sure their media products are available across several different devices.