Great Strikes Notes

Cards (9)

  • What were the earliest trade unions?
    National Trade Union - early 1800s, craftsmen and artisans
  • Who was included in the Knights of Labor?
    Farmers, factory workers, shop keepers (1860s)
  • What was the AF of L and whom did it include? Who was its leader?
    American Federation of Labor - craft union, no unskilled workers, no women, no African Americans
  • How did the IWW differ from the AF of L? Who were its leaders?
    International workers of the world, also known as "wobblies." - It focused on unskilled labor, many were socialists. "Big Bill" Haywood and Eugene V. Debs. Samuel Gompers.
  • In what 4 ways did employers combat unions?
    1. Forbade Union meetings
    2. "Yellow Dog" contracts (a contract which states that you won't join a union)
    3. Refused to bargain with or recognize unions
    4. Fired union organizers
  • What precedent did the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 set?

    2nd wage cut in 8 months - During the depression, President Hayes called in Federal Troops who fired on crowds, setting fire to railroad property. Federal troops started being used to stopping strikes.
  • What was the Haymarket Rally in support of and what happened there?
    • National demonstration for an 8 hour workday
    • May 4, someone threw a handmade bomb at the police
    • Police and strikers alike were killed
    • 8 anarchists tried for murder - 4 sentenced to death, 3 not guilty, 1 died during his trial
  • Who was to blame for the Homestead Strike?
    Henry Clay Frick was the manager for Carnegie Steel Works. Frick cut wages and workers went on strike. Anarchist attempted to assassinate Frick in 1892. The strike ended in Novemeber.
  • What precedent did the Pullman Strike set?
    Pullman laid off workers and cut wages by 25%. There was a strike, and Pullman shut it down. This strike was supported by other unions. Strikers got a court order against them for inferring with mail delivery.