UK economy

Cards (15)

  • what has happened?
    primary and secondary sector- declined
    tertiary and quaternary sector - increased
    this pay higher wages and have expanded due to the expansion of public services
  • what is the primary sector?
    the extraction and production of raw materials, such as agriculture, mining, and fishing.
  • what is the secondary sector?
    Manufacturing and construction industries.
  • what is the tertiary sector?

    provides services to individuals and businesses.
  • what is the quaternary sector?

    Knowledge-based sector eg. research
  • what has caused the changes in sectors?
    deindustrialisation and globalisation - the world becoming more interconnected and government policies
  • science parks and business parks?
    science park - Cambridge: group of research based companies
    this employs people from a local university and is easily accessible by roads and transport with good attractive working environments
    business parks - located on the edge of towns where land is cheap and transport is good. majority supply goods and services
  • How an industry has become environmentally sustainable - Nissan
    • Zero emissions
    • Reducing pollutants which leads to global warming
    • Batteries are not very efficient and needs to be recharged
  • Nissan plant
    • 19000 solar panels and wind turbines
    • Reduced carbon footprint
    • Produces 7% of the plant's electricity, most is generated from coal powered stations
  • Use of recycled materials for cars
    • Less pollutants and greenhouse gases
    • Reduction in waste going to landfill
    • Process of recycling aluminium produces toxic chemicals
  • population growth in rural areas?
    where? south Cambridgeshire
    social - greater demand for housing, space needed and more rely on services -> increase in house prices and traffic congestion
    economic - lack of affordable housing, more demand for jobs and loss of agriculture employment
  • population decline in rural areas?
    where? outer Hebrides
    social - young people move out so less younger population meaning less children -> elderly population require lots of care, businesses and schools could close as less working
    economic - lack of population to use services and shops, tourism has become an important economic activity -> shops close and jobs lost and poorly maintained infrastructure
  • what is the evidence for the north and south divide?
    in the north - lower life expectancy, lower house prices and higher employment rates
    south -higher GCSE results and incomes
  • what is the causes for the north and south divide?
    deindustrialisation of manufacturing in the north and heavy industries -> the economy declined and people lost jobs and nothing was done to help replace
  • what is the strategy to reduce the north and south divide?
    government initiatives to attract businesses to the north, northern powerhouse project -> creates jobs for locals which increases income, the cities are boosted so the wealth in the UK is spread out