Expressed emotion (EE)

Cards (4)

  • What is EE?
    EE is when families persistently exhibit negative emotions (criticisms & hostility).
  • Elements of EE
    Verbal criticism, sometimes accompanied by violence.
    Hostility towards the child / patient, including anger & rejection.
    Emotional over-involvement in the life of the child / patient. High levels of happiness and sadness, extreme over-protectiveness of caregiver.
  • Brown
    Brown discovered that patients who were discharged from psychiatric care into households with high EE were often readmitted due to relapse.
    He assessed EE by measuring:
    Frequency of critical comments made towards patient.
    Number of statements of dislike & resentment towards the patient.
    Number of statements reflecting over involvement or over protectiveness towards patient.
    EE has been associated with high relapse rates & rarely results in the onset of SZ symptoms.
  • Butzlaff & Hooley
    Reviewed over 200 studies of EE & found that 70% of SZs in families with high EE relapsed within a year compared with 30% of those with families with low EE.
    Suggests reducing the levels of EE in families with a SZ member may significantly reduce relapse rates.