marxism explanations

Cards (8)

  • selective lawmaking
    Chambliss- capitalism needs laws, protecting private properties, which is criminal laws rights of property before people
    Snider- capitalist, reluctant into personal law that threaten profitability state doesn’t want to alienate large companies
    Eval- Durkheim testing
  • ideology and social control
    Box – crime definition, constructed by rich, such as murder company negligence
    Althusser- ideological state operators, informal his family
    Repressive state operated is formal such as police that short warning
  • law breaking
    Gordoncapitalism, criminal journey, working class commit due to poverty and upper-class due to profit maximisation
    Snider- corporate crime cost more than street crime but the rich get caught less
    Chambliss- greed, self interest caused by capitalism which leads to increase crime in both areas. Law do whatever they can such as mugging on high, do anything for more share
  • corporate crime, example
    Bhopal disaster- company, planted, leaked and killed dozens and illnesses spread, but got no charge
    Johnson Johnson talcum powder – led to cancer and paid £18.8 million fine
    Pepsi palm oil – 450 palm, oil and Pepsi
  • why break the law?
    Gordon, – capitalism generates crime due to greed such as ad advertising, for example, the apprentice show
    BP, Deepwater Horizon – oil spin in the Gulf of Mexico and boiling the ocean, affected many animals and people
    Pfizer price fixing – charged very high prices for drugs which led to £70 million fine
  • selective law enforcement
    Gordon – benefits capitalism as they blame it on the working class
    Chambliss- S&R
    Milliband- judges from background off ruling class side with the upper classes because they afford the best lawyer
    Slapper & Tombs- prosecution of TNC’s sure that powerful can get away with it such as BP
    Box – starts and police presence, working class criminal
    Eval- cicourel- law, selective due to stereotypes, not capitalism
  • Neo, Marxist
    CCCS- Jefferson, Hebdige, Clarke
    Hall- mugging
    Cohen- mods and rockers
  • evaluation

    Ignore gender
    Focus on crimes by the power