In all ethnic groups middle class do better than working class
Intellectual and linguistic skills
Many children from low income black families lack intellectual stimulation leaving them poorly equipped for school as they have not been able to develop problem-solving skills
Bereiter and Englemann consider the language spoken by these children as inadequate for educational success - ungrammatical and disjointed
In some Asian households, English is not the first language used and is a significant problem for some people. Amongst women in a PSI study, 1/5 of Pakistanti's and Bangladeshi's were not fluent
Evaluation of intellectual and linguistic skills
Gillbourn and Mirza point out that the very high attainment of Indian pupils suggests that having English as an additional language is not a barrier to success
Attitudes and values
Rather than being socialised into the mainstream culture which instills ambition and deferred gratification cultural deprivation theorists suggests black children are socialised into their own subculture
It instills a 'livefortoday' attitude that does not value education and leaves them unequipped for success
Family structure and parental support
Moynihan - many black families are headed by lone mothers and lack adequate care due to financial struggle which leads to long work hours. Males also lack a male role model for achievement
Children therefore fail and school and the parenting cycle continues
Murray and Scruton support this theory
HOWEVER - Driver argues positive effects of ethnicity on achievement are ignored. Black caribbean families provide girls with strong independent women figures which explains why they overachieve in comparison to boys
Sewell - black boys underachievement
Absence of 'toughlove' makes black boys find it difficult to overcome the emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence
They turn to street gangs and Arno states they develop an 'ultra-toughghettosuperstar' image reinforced through the media such as rap lyrics and MTV
They are subject to powerful anti-educational peer group pressure
Successful black boys that Sewell interviewed felt that the greatest barrier to success was pressure from other boys
Doing well at school was seen as 'sellingout' to the white establishment
Asians are more resistant to racism and have higher self worth
Blackcaribbean culture is less cohesive and less resistant
The impact of slavery has been culturally devastating with people losing their language, religions and family structure - produces low self esteem and consequent underachievement
HOWEVER - Lawrence argues black pupils underachieve not because of low self esteem but due to racism
Driver and Ballard - SouthAsian parents have high aspirations for their children's education despite having little formal education themselves
Pilkington - cohesiveness of Asian families
Assists educational achievement
African caribbeans may have family cultures that are not as conductive to educational support
HOWEVER - Gillbourn and Mirza argue that research shows that African-Caribbean pupils receive greater encouragement to pursue further education than other ethnic groups
Lupton - white working class students
Lowest achievers with lowest aspirations
Teachers reported poorer levels of behaviour and discipline in white working class schools - blamed on lower levels of parental support and their negative attitudes towards education
In contrast, many ethnic minorities see education as a route to upward socialmobility
Street culture can be brutal and young people have to learn to withstand intimidation and intimidate others - reproduced within schools
Palmer - ethnic minorities more likely to experience material deprivation
1/2 live in low income households
Twice as likely to be unemployed compared to whites
Three times more likely to be homeless
Bangladeshi and Pakistani women more likely to be engaged in low paid home working
Why do ethnic minorities face material deprivation?
They live in economicallydepressed areas
Some cultural traditions prevent women from working outside the home - purdah
Lack of language skills and foreign qualifications
Asylum seekers not allowed to work
Evaluation of material deprivation
Those who are ethnic minority and on FSM achieve higher than whiteBritish pupils not on FSM
Material deprivation and social class factors do not completely override the influence of ethnicity
Racism in wider society
Mason - discrimination is a continuing and persistent feature of the experience of Britain's citizens of minorityethnic origin
Rex shows how racial discrimination leads to social exclusion and worsens poverty faced by ethnic minorities
Wood - study of direct and deliberate discrimination in employment - 3 closely matched job applications to employers and only 1 in 16 ethnic minority applicants were offered an interview compared to 1 in 9white applicants