> This theory argues that self-disclosure is more likely to occur in virtual relationships then face-to-face relationships
> Due to high levels of excitement at the start of these relationships this leads to self-disclosure occuring a lot quicker than in face-to-face relationships, and therefore virtual relationships can become a lot more intimate, a lot sooner
Hyper-personal model
Selective self-presentation - In virtual relationships, people have a lot more control over their online image compared to their image in the real world. This can heavily manipulate their self image to present themselves in an ideal way (Hyper-honest or Hyper-dishonest)
> The receiver gains a positive impression and may give feedback e.g respond or like to a post, that positively reinforces the sender’s selective self-presentation and leads to greater self disclosure
Hyper-personal Model
Anonymity - When others are unaware of your identity the hyper-personal model argues that individuals are more likely to disclose personal information,as they feel less accountable which this leads to feelings of closeness and intimacy.
Hyper-personal model AO3
:( RTC Ruppal
> They carried out a meta-analysis of 25 studies that compared self-disclosure in FtF and virtual interactions
> They found that self-report studies showed that the frequency, breadth and depth of self-disclosures were all greater in FtF relationships than virtual relationships
> This contradicts the hyper personal model’s view that virtual relationships lead to deeper self-disclosure limiting virtual relationships in social media
Hyper-personal model AO3
:( Research conducted using self-report techniques which are prone to social desirability bias
> Participants may have lied about how much they self-disclose in a virtual relationship to present themselves in a better light
> So they dont appear like they have disclosed too much to people they have never met
> This limits the internal validity of the research and the extent it can be used to contradict the hyper-personal model of self-disclosure in virtual relationships.