A hot spot is a fixed area of intense volcanic activity where magma from a rising mantle plume reaches the Earth’s surface
As the plate moves over the plume, volcanoes that were once active become dormant and then extinct, with the area directly above the plume being the most active
Continental drift and the movement of a plate over a plume creates a chain of volcanic islands
For example the movement of the Pacific plate northwest at an average rate of 10cm per year has created the basaltic Hawaiian Islands
A volcano that erupts more than 1000 km3 of material in a single eruption event
E.g. Yellowstone in Wyoming (caldera of 75km diameter)
Most recent super-volcano eruption was 27,000 years ago at Taupo, New Zealand
Hazards produced by volcanoes
Lava flows
Pyroclastic flows
Toxic gases
Lava flows
Basic (basaltic) lava is free-flowing so flows easily
Acidic lavas such as rhyolite are viscous so do not flow easily
Destroy infrastructure, property and crops through burning, bulldozing and buired
Lava flows rarely cause injuries or fatalities
Pyroclastic flows
Combination of very hot gases, ash and rock fragments travelling at very high speed
Follow the contours of the ground and destroy everything in their path
Inhaling the gas and ash causes almost instant death e.g. Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii in AD 79
Any material ejected from a volcano into the air
Ranges from very fine ash to large volcanic bombs
Buries farmland in layers of ash and destroys crops
Eruption columns can carry material into the stratosphere because the temperature of the ejected material is hotter than the surrounding air, causing it to rise very fast
Transport can be disrupted on the ground and in the air e.g. Iceland in 2010 - 100,000 flights cancelled
Buildings can collapse due to the weight of accumulated ash and people with respiratory diseases may struggle to breathe
Toxic gases
Includes carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
Deadly and silent threat to humans
When sulphur dioxide combines with atmospheric water, acid rain is produced
This can damage crops and pollute surface water and soils
A type of mud flow with the consistency of wet concrete
Snow and ice on a volcano summit melt and flow rapidly down the cone, mixing with rock fragments, ash and soils
Lahars can travel at speeds up to about 50 km/h
E.g. lahars from the Nevado del Ruiz eruption, 1984, caused 23,000 deaths in Armero, Colombia
Volcanic eruptions beneath ice fields or glaciers cause melting
During an eruption, vast quantities of water accumulate until they find an exit from under the ice
The eruption of some island volcanoes can cause displacement of ocean water and tsunami waves which can travel at speeds of up to 600 km/h
In deep water, they have a height that is usually less than 1 metre and a very long wavelength of up to 200 km
As they get closer to the shore, tsunami waves increase in height and when they break, transfer energy and water along the shore and inland
E.g. tsunamis from the Krakatoa eruption in 1883 are believed to have drowned 36,000 people
Long-term impacts of volcanic hazards
Ash blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface and can lead to global temperatures reducing
E.g. Toba, Indonesia led to a fall in the global human population
Release of sulphur dioxide also added to cooling
Mixed with water in the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide forms sulphuric acid, which reflects insolation
Explosive volcanoes
Found at destructive plate boundaries
Pyroclastic flows and other projectiles due to pressure build up due to high silica content of the magma
Lava flows slow moving
Tsunamis may be caused when the eruption is close to the coast / underwater and where there is a displacement of water
Effusive volcanoes
Found at constructive plate boundaries
Lower viscosity water which moves much faster
Less pressure build-up before the eruption means little tephra and ash, but gas emissions still possible
If under an ice sheet, then flooding from the meltwater is possible
Geological evidence to support Wegener's theory
South America and Africa fit together despite being on different sides of the Atlantic
Evidence from 290 million years ago suggests glaciation in southern Africa, Australia, Antarctica etc. suggesting that they were joined and near the South Pole
Mountain chains and some rock sequences are similar e.g. northeast Canada and northern Scotland
Biological evidence to support Wegener's theory
Similar fossil brachiopods (marine shellfish) found in Australian and Indian limestones
Similar fossil animals found in South America and Australia, especially marsupials
Fossils from rocks younger the Carboniferous period, in places such as Australia and India, showing fewer similarities, suggesting that they followed different evolutionary paths
Evidence for sea floor spreading
Palaeomagnetism - involves measuring small changes in the magnetism of rocks either side of a mid-ocean ridge
At divergent / constructive plate boundaries, lava flows cool and solidify, the iron particles are locked in alignment to the magnetic pole which changes orientation every 400 - 500,000 years, reversals not predictable and not periodic in nature
Sea-floor spreading as the newer, younger lava erupts it pushes the older solidified rock aside (ridge push process)
Evidence for sea floor spreading
At ocean margins, subduction of oceanic plate can occur contributing to the slab pull process
Age of sea floor rocks - in the 1960s, a drilling programme recovered cores in water up to 7000m deep in the ocean floor
The cores revealed that the thickest and oldest sediments were nearest to continents
No oceanic crust was older than 200 million years
Evidence of continental drift - fossil evidence, glacial deposits showing evidence of the former supercontinent, shape of continents
Movements of the Earth's crust form rift valleys
Rift valleys form on constructive plate margins e.g. central Iceland rift valley
The convection currents at this plate margin diverge, pulling the Eurasian and North American plates apart by on average 2.5 cm per year
The crust has stretched and become thinner - the stresses that this creates results in faulting parallel to the plate margin
Allowing sections of crust to sink to the mantle as they are no longer supported by the structure of the tectonic plate