big bang theory: 14 billion years ago, universe was inside a hot and dense ball that exploded,timespace and matter were created. after 1 billion years stars and galaxies were formed
evidence for big bang: cosmic background radiation was discovered and universe is continuously expanding
neil armstrong was the first human on the moon
developments from space exploration: medicine (heartmonitors), industry (cordless tools), materials (fireproof clothing)
uses of satellites: gps and weather forecasting
hazards of space exploration: muscles shrink due to lack of gravity and heart doesn’t have to work as hard thus getting weaker
accidents in space: apollo 1 where all 3 astronauts were killed in a fire in the cockpit during prelaunch tests
life cycle of a star: formation, stable period, red giant and lastly white dwarf
terrestrial planets orbit closest to the sun (mercury, venus,earth,mars)
jovian planets are very big and have rings (jupiter,saturn,uranus,neptune)
pluto is a dwarf/planetoid
we only see one side of the moon since it revolves earth and rotates on its own axis at the same time
if the part of earth is tilted towards the sun then it’s summer for that part of the world
lunar eclipse is when earth is between moon and sun and solar eclipse is when moon is in the middle of sun and earth
star: a large ball of gas that gives off light and heat
galaxy: a collection of millions of stars
satellite: any object that orbits a larger object or planet
asteroid: a small rocky object that orbits a star
comet: a small object composed of frozen gases,ice,rock and dust that can glow and produces a tail