The Genitals

Cards (62)

  • Inspection of female genitalia
    • Skin - note pubic hair distribution, lesions, edema, ecchymosis, pubic pediculosis
    • Labia majora and minora - symmetrical, smooth to moderately wrinkled, slightly pigmented skin without ecchymosis, excoriation, nodules, edema, rash, lesions
    • Clitoris - note position, redness or lesions
    • Urethral orifice - note shape, color, size, discharge
    • Perineum and anus - note color, lesions, bulges, hemorrhoids
  • Normal findings in female genitalia
    • Pubic hair in inverted triangular pattern, may extend to umbilicus in men
    • Labia majora and minora are symmetrical with smooth to moderately wrinkled, slightly pigmented skin
    • Clitoris is about 2 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter, no redness or lesions
    • Urethral opening is slit-like, midline, free of discharge, swelling, redness, or lesions
    • Perineum is smooth and slightly darkened, anus is dark pink to brown and puckered
  • Deviations from normal in female genitalia
    • Pubic lice, nits, or flecks of residual blood on skin
    • Ecchymosis, labial varicosities, edema, broken areas of skin, rash
    • Chancre, condylomata acuminatum, herpes simplex, hypertrophy of clitoris
    • Discharge of any color from meatus, swelling or redness around meatus
    • External tear, fissure, cystocele, cysto-urethrocele, perineal laceration, vaginal necrosis/ecchymosis, rectocele
  • Palpation of female genitalia
    • Labia - soft and uniform in structure, no swelling, pain, induration, or purulent discharge
    • Urethral meatus, Skene's & Bartholin's glands - no pain or urethral discharge
    • Vaginal introitus - tight and strong muscle tone in nulliparous, diminished in parous
    • Perineum - smooth, firm, and homogenous in nulliparous, thinner in parous
  • Deviations from normal in palpation of female genitalia

    • Swelling, redness, induration, or purulent discharge from labial folds
    • Significantly diminished/absent muscle tone
    • Bulging from vagina - cystocele, rectocele, uterine prolapse
    • Thin perineum, fissures, tears - atrophy, trauma, unhealed episiotomy
  • Inspection of male genitalia
    • Pubic hair - triangular and coarse, sparsely distributed on scrotum and inner thigh, absent on penis
    • Penis - note color, lesions, swelling, discharge, or pubic pediculosis, retract foreskin to inspect glans
  • Normal findings in male genitalia
    • Shaft skin loose and wrinkled without erection, glans smooth and free of lesions, swelling, or inflammation, no penile discharge, dorsal vein sometimes visible, foreskin retracts easily
  • Palpation of male genitalia

    • Note consistency, tenderness, masses, or nodules - pulsations on dorsal sides, nontender, no masses or firm plaques
  • Deviations from normal in male genitalia
    • Diminished/absent palpable pulse - possible vascular insufficiency
    • Phimosis and paraphimosis condition
    • Chancre, chancroid, penile lesions, candida, condyloma acuminatum, herpetic lesion, tinea cruris, priapism, chordee
  • Penile Lesions
    Caused by Hemophilus through small breaks in epidermal tissue
  • Penile Lesions

    • Pinhead papules to cauliflower – like groupings of painful lesions
  • Candida
    Superficial mycotic infection of moist cutaneous sites
  • Candida
    • Erythematous plaques with scaling, papule lesions and pustules
  • Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)

    Caused by HPV infection
  • Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)

    • Multifocal, wart-like, maculopapular lesions that are tan, brown, pink, violet, or white
  • Herpetic Lesion

    Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 cause painful eruptions of pustules and vesicles that rupture
  • Herpetic Lesion
    • Fever, headache, dysuria, DYSPAREUNIA, and urinary retention may occur
  • Tinea Cruris
    Fungal infection of the groin often referred to as jock itch
  • Priapism
    Often associated with leukemia, metastatic carcinoma, or sickling hemoglobinopathies
  • Chordee
    Ventral or dorsal curvature of penis
  • Chordee
    • Ventral chordee seen with epispadias
  • Phimosis
    Occurs in uncircumcised males, foreskin is unable to retract
  • Scrotum
    • Skin rugated, thin, and more deeply pigmented than body color
    • Skin firmer in young men and flaccidity in older men
    • Skin free of lesions, nodules, swelling, inflammation, and erythema
    • Scrotal size and shape vary greatly
    • Left scrotal sac lower than right
  • Testicles
    • Firm but not hard, oval, smooth, equal in size, and sensitive to pressure but not tender
    • Epididymis comma-shaped, distinguishable from testicle, and insensitive to pressure
    • Spermatic cord smooth and round
  • Hydrocele
    Nontender Accumulation Of Fluid between two layers of tunica vaginalis in scrotum
  • Hydrocele
    • May be idiopathic or a result of trauma, inguinal surgery, epididymitis, or tumor
  • Spermatocele

    Nontender, well-defined cystic mass on superior testis or epididymis caused by blockage of efferent ductule of rete testis
  • Varicocele
    VARICOSE VEINS of spermatic cord that feel like a "bag of worms" and slowly collapse when scrotum is elevated
  • Varicocele
    • Caused by DILATED VEINS in pampiniform plexus of spermatic cord
    • Right-sided may indicate obstruction at vena cava
    • More common on the left side of the scrotum
  • Sebaceous Cyst
    Round, firm, nontender CUTANEOUS CYST confined to scrotal skin
  • Urethral Meatus
    • Located centrally on glans
    • Pink in white males and darker pink in darker-skinned males
    • No discharge
  • Epispadias
    Urethral meatus opens on dorsal (upper) side of penis
  • Hypospadias
    Urethral meatus opens on ventral (under) side of penis
  • Inguinal Area
    • No red glow on transillumination
    • Nodes if palpable should be less than 1 cm and freely mobile
    • No bulges present in inguinal area
    • No palpable masses in inguinal canal
    • No portions of the bowel enter the scrotum
    • No palpable masses at femoral canal
  • Anus or Rectum
    • Skin intact with slightly darker pigmentation around anus
    • Anus intact; no lesions, hemorrhoids, fissures, bleeding, or rectal prolapse
  • Prostate
    • Rectum smooth and nontender with good anal sphincter tone
    • Prostate small, smooth, mobile, and nontender medial sulcus palpable negative occult blood
  • Ecchymosis
    May be caused by blunt trauma
  • Labial varicosities - Pregnancy or uterine tumor
  • Chancre - Primary syphilis. Painless, reddish, round ulcer with depressed center and indurated edges
  • •Condylomata acuminatum (venereal warts): - White, dry, painful growths with narrow bases, cause by HPV - human papilloma virus