You need to be disciplined as you need to follow the rules and stick to tactics or roles. This can help you control your emotions, improve confidence and self-esteem
Can make you feel part of something. Being part of a team can give you confidence. The more you exercise you do the better you perform this can also improve confidence
When basic human needs are met: Food, Shelter, Clothing. You have friendship and support, some value in society is socially active and has little stress ion social circumstances. It works together with physical and mental health
Reduces blood pressure so there is less chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Exercise also improves the immune system so you are less likely to get ill
You can function more easily. You can do everyday tasks without getting tired such as gardening, running up the stairs. You are not slowed down by excess weight
Burns calories so you are less likely to be overweight or obese. Obesity is linked to several health problems such as heart attacks, stroke and diabetes
Lack of oxygen delivery to cells and excessive weight have been linked to snoring and restless legs. This disturbs sleep, as does not doing enough exercise to feel tired at night
Essential for the body. It is involved in every bodily function and makes up over half of your body weight! A lack of water can lead to dehydration and other health problems
Not a nutrient, but an important part of a healthy diet and essential for digestive health. It can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers