physics paper 2

Cards (41)

  • planets in the solar system
  • smaller planets are mostly made of rock
  • larger planets are mostly made of gas
  • life cycle of a star (larger)
    main sequence star
    red super giant
    neutron star or black hole
  • life cycle of a star(smaller)
    main sequence star
    red giant
    white dwarf
    black dwarf
  • gravitational forces cause the planets to change direction constantly therefore velocity is always changing which means the forces cause the planets to accelerate without increasing the speed
  • for stable orbits..
    if the planet moves closer to the sun the gravitational attraction to the sun increases so the orbital speed of the planet increases
    as the force increases so does the acceleration
  • how does a nebular turn into a star
    the gravitational attraction draws the particles together and the cloud becomes more concentrated
    this allows fission to occur as the light nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei which produces lots of energy
    the equilibrium forms due to the energy released from fusion that balances with the pressure from the gravitational forces
  • when the star collapses (bigger)
    it increases the pressure and temperature so the heavier elements can fuse
  • what happens in a supernova
    the star collapses and rebounds on its centre
  • what is red shift
    when the light appears red shifted when other galaxies move further away from earth
  • as the wavelength is larger the frequency decreases
  • red shift is evidence for big bang theory
    shows that the universe is expanding so initially it must have began from a singular point
  • CMBR is evidence for big bang theory

    cosmic microwave background radiation
    as the wavelengths were stretched to become microwaves which shows expansion and the big bang theory
  • what is wavelength
    the distance between the same point of 2 consecutive waves
  • what is amplitude
    the distance from equilibrium line to the crest or the trough
  • sound waves can travel through solids by causing vibrations
  • if you increase the frequency

    then the velocity increases
  • if you increase the wavelength
    the velocity increases
  • smaller period= higher frequency = greater velocity
  • transverse
    oscillate perpendicular to the waves direction of travel
  • longitudinal waves

    oscillate parallel to the waves direction of travel
  • reflection
    reflect off a flat surface
    the smoother the surface the stronger the reflection
    rough surfaces scatter light in many different directions
    angle of incidence = angle of reflection
  • transmission
    will pass through a transparent material
    the more transparent the more light will pass through
  • absorption
    if the frequency of light matches the energy levels of the electrons then they can be absorbed to be remitted as heat
    if there has been a coloured filter over the top then it will absorb all other wavelengths of light so only that colour has been reflected
  • EM spectrum
    infa red
    ultra violet
    x ray
  • em spectrum waves
    transverse waves
    transfer energy from a source
    speed is constant
    as wavelength decreases frequency increases
  • refraction
    when light enters a denser material the waves slow down and it bends towards the normal if it is less dense it bends away from the normal
    different wavelengths refract different amounts which creates the rainbow of colours
  • ears and sound waves
    the outer ear collects sound and it moves down the ear canal
    the sound waves hit the eardrum
    the eardrum then vibrates which causes compression in the ear which forces it inwards
    refraction forces in the eardrum vibrates at the same frequency of the sound waves
    the bones act as an amplifying and the fluid transmits signals to the brain
  • radio waves
    produced through electrical circuits
    and created alternating current when they are absorbed
  • visible light
    specular = smooth surface gives a singular reflection
    diffuse = reflections from a rough surface that causes scattering
  • infared
    the hotter the body is the more radiation in short wavelengths all objects emit and absorb infrared radiation
  • black body radiation
    an object which absorbs all the radiation it receives so also emits all the radiation it receives
    at a constant temp = still radiating but absorbing at the same temp
    increasing temp = absorbing more energy than it emits
    cooling = released at a greater rate than it is absorbed
  • concave lens

    spreads light outwards
    corrects short sightedness
  • convex lens

    focus light inwards
    corrects long sightedness
  • uses of radio waves

  • uses of microwaves
    cooking food
  • uses of infa red
  • uses of visible light
    fibre optics
  • uses of uv