Depends on climatic factors - high temperatures, high humidity, and rainfall
Cannot develop in areas under 20 degrees or high altitude (cold areas), desert areas or areas with control measurements
Mostly affects Africa - Nigeria, DCR, Tanzania
Economic development can rapidly transmit the spread
There were 229 million new malaria cases in 2019
67% of malaria deaths were under 5 years old
Infectious, contagious, communicable disease
HIV is most common in South Africa
Young women who experience partner violence are 50% more likely to catch HIV
Mother to child transmission and child marriages impact children with HIV in southern Africa, where there are 1.1 million children (0-14) living with HIV
Many female sex workers in sub-Saharan countries have experienced violence if they carry condoms, leading to higher HIV transmissions due to a lack of education
There are more condoms used in MSM practice in South Africa, so there are less transmissions, but many men then pass it on to their wife and partners
HIV spreads through drug transfusion and sharing needles, and 21.8% of people inject drugs in South Africa
There were 37.7 million cases of HIV/AIDS in 2020, with 2/3 in Africa
There were 680,000 HIV related deaths in 2020
Tuberculosis (TB)
Infectious, contagious and communicable disease
Someone who knows somebody else who has been affected is more likely to catch TB
More than 40% of the UK's TB cases are in London
TB is more concentrated in Southern Africa
There were 10 million TB cases and 1.5 million TB deaths recorded in 2019
TB is the most infectious disease in Economically Developing Countries (EDCs)