behavioural modification

Cards (5)

    • based on operant conditioning where positive behaviour from criminals is rewarded while negative behaviour is discouraged
    • criminals who display a positive behaviour ( e.g keeping their cell tidy) can receive a token which can be swapped for a reward such as watching their favourite tv show
    • this allows the transition back into normal life after prison easier and allow prisoners to maintain desirable behaviour
    • token acts as a secondary reinforcer as its value comes from being able to swap it for a reward (primary reinforcer) - based on positive reinforcement
    • reviewed 125 juvenile male criminals where token economy was used to try and reinforce positive/desirable behaviour. they found after 14 months there was a significant increase of desirable behaviour displayed from the majority of the boys therefore showing its benefit in prison systems
  • A03
    +supportive study - Gendreau et al conducted a meta-analysis looking into the effectiveness of token economies. she found that 69% of prisoners were more engaged in prosocial behaviours, education and work assignments. this therefore supports the benefits of token economy PLUS LARGE SAMPLE SIZE - GENERALISABLE
  • A03
    -token economy only treats proximal causes of offending - behavioural modification doesn't treat distal causes unlike anger management. it provides a temporary way of treating offender behaviour yet there is no evidence to support that positive behaviour will carry on outside of prison due to no instant gratification through immediately being given rewards. therefore this means recidivism rates may well still be high, meaning it is only beneficial as a short term treatment
  • A03
    -research have proposed that ethical issues may be a problem. for example, token economy systems may be compulsory and those who do not want to take part may be refused prison visitors or calls to home. this therefore proposes ethical issues as it puts authorities in charge of prisoners who may already display signs of mental health issues which in turn could become worse through power imbalances. therefore a cost benefit analysis is needed to examine whether token economies are beneficial