Total war declared 1943 meaning all expenditure and production was for the war effort
War economy
German military expenditure more than doubled
food rationing introduced
armaments production remained low
war declared in 1939 and key projects were not going to be ready until 1942
lack of central control
Speer minister of armaments 1942
ensured mass production
used women and prisoners for labor
ended conscription of skilled workers
eliminated production of thing not important to war
1944 3 fold increase in war materials compared with 1942
within first 6 months tanks rose by 25% and ammunition rose by 97%
air raid allied bombing on Germany started in 1940
600,000 civilians were killed during air raids
Allied bombing was indiscriminate and they used relentless carpet bombing, UK at night and the US during the day
over half of the bombs fell in residential areas so did not have a massive impact on industry, the bombing decreased moral and reduced the German support for the war
around 5 million Germans were evacuated and this contributed to the worsening of moral
War production was a crucial area in which the effects of depressed morale manifested through absenteeism, lower productivity, and sabotage.
Nuremburg laws 1933-39
segregated Jews
banned inter-racial marriage
removed German citizenship from Jews
Jew excluded from mainstream education
White rose - opposition
printed leaflets to encourage people to not support the war
they were arrested and executed
Bonhoeffer was a priest that was involved in a plot to assassinate hitler in 1942, this was unsuccessful and he was hung
Hitler assassination plot
july bomb plot failed and Hitler used it as an opportunity to arrest 7000 people
lack of successful opposition
sever repression preventing a strong united opposition movement
the Gestapo were heavily restrictive and everywhere
small acts of defiance did not mount to any effective opposition
Kreisau circle formed in 1942 - members of the army who wanted to end the war and form a government that the west would approve of. They lacked popular support
introduced August 1939
due to rearmament and Autarky consumer goods were low in supply and expensive
food shortages due to lack of imports from the US
social consequences of the war
millions of refugees
12 million Germans fled from the east
20% of housing had been destroyed
many men had been killed
economic consequences of the war
lack of fuel and transport
infrastructure had broken down
wartime black market emerged
state was in debt
political consequences of the war
Hitlers suicide led to the formation of a new government
this was dissolved when Germany signed unconditional surrender 8th May 1945
Post war Germany
occupying troops had to take care of the area they had liberated
temporary agreements were made to ensue law and order were divided between allied powers in the west and USSR
Potsdam 1945
Germany would be divided into 4 zones
separate political control between zones but joint economic union
all of german military forces disbanded
soviets allowed to take whatever they wanted from soviet zone and 10% from western zones
Yalta 1945
all countries freed from Nazi occupation would be allowed free elections to choose their own government
Germany would be divided into 4 zones
1947 Truman Doctrine
sending money and equipment to any country facing the threat of communism
1948 Marshal Plan
US economic assistance to restore Europe
Currency reform 1948
Allied powers introduced military mark 1945 which became devalued after soviets printed too much
introduction of Deutsch mark in 1948 excluding east Germany
Berlin Blockade
Soviets blocked all transport links by road, rail and waterway with the aim of weakening Berlin
Stalin wanted Germany weak and nonthreatening buffer zone between USSR and the west
Berlin Airlift 148-1949
West continued to supply Berlin with food
279,000 flights were carried out until Stalin gave in and lifted the blockade
cominform 1947
aimed to tighten soviet control in Eastern Europe
spread communist ideals
comecon 1949
financial aid to eastern bloc to keep them on the soviet side
Bizonia formed 1947 created through the unification of the American and British zones followed later the same year by the French forming Trizonia
division of germany caused by:
political differences - communism vs capitalism
economic reasons - disagreements over reparations and currency reform