Tactius - Seneca did not practise what he preached - RICH
Beard - “Seneca is the rich man espousing a philosophy of poverty."
Motto - Seneca and the later Stoics stressed the regulation of emotions rather than their denial
Gloyn - Some of the ideas he expressed would have been extremely counter-cultural
Gloyn - “Paulina is not simply facilitating her husband’s journey, she is shaping it.”
“He not only listens to her but changes his behaviour as a result, suggesting he takes her seriously as a moral actor in her own right, and indicates the way that marriage can serve as a location for the development of virtue”
Gloyn - “Virtue and a shared journey towards reason is the bedrock of marriage.”
Gloyn - “He is far more concerned about behaviour ‘against nature’ which involve extravagant and expensive displays than he is about same-sex desire”
Motto - For Seneca, true love is analogous to an ideal friendship
Motto - Sees him as having a cosmopolitan view on love - embracing everyone and everything
Gloyn - Love in and of itself is neither good nor bad; it’s how you use it that matters. In the case of affectus, where being in love becomes more important than the pursuit of virtue, things have gone pretty badly wrong.
Kreitner - The Stoics held that sexual intercourse is the very antithesis of reason and therefore should be avoided.
Gloyn - Seneca deplores those relationships where amor has turned to affectus, because reason has been lost.
Taoko - Love undermines a key principle of Stoic ethics - composure, self-sufficiency, self control
Gloyn - "the Stoics didn't advocate for an overhaul of social structures, they instead argued that people should exhibit virtue... in the way that society was currently structured."
Kaster - Seneca and Stoics do not think all emotions are bad - a misconception from Roman and modern critics
Campbell - Senea shows a Stoicism more closely reconciled to the facts and frailty of human nature