Cards (11)

  • Cystic fibrosis
    An inherited disorder of cell membranes
  • Cystic fibrosis
    • Controlled by a single gene
    • Has two alleles
  • Normal cell membrane function allele
    Dominant, symbol capital C
  • Defective cell membrane allele
    Recessive, symbol lowercase c
  • To have cystic fibrosis, a person must inherit two copies of the defective allele
  • Person with one defective allele and one normal allele
    Carrier of the cystic fibrosis allele
  • Punnett square for a carrier parent and a non-carrier parent
    1. Write down gamete genotypes
    2. Combine gametes to get offspring genotypes
    3. Calculate percentages of offspring genotypes
  • Possible outcomes: 50% carriers, 50% not affected
  • Punnett square for two carrier parents
    1. Write down gamete genotypes
    2. Combine gametes to get offspring genotypes
    3. Calculate percentages of offspring genotypes
  • Possible outcomes: 25% not affected, 50% carriers, 25% with cystic fibrosis</b>
  • Probabilities are averages, actual outcomes may vary