Cards (74)

  • Genome - complete set of chromosomes in a cell
  • In diploids, there are two sets of homologous chromosomes(2X)
  • the number of chromosomes in each genome is equivalent to the haploid number
  • in Oryza sativa, 2n=24, the haploid number of rice is n=12
  • Euploidy Involves the entire set of chromosomes in a cell.
  • Euploidy
    An extra copy of DNA can cause multiple malfunctions in an organism, more so a whole copy of a chromosome.
  • Euploidy
    more tolerated in plants than in animals
  • euploidy
    diploidfuse with haploids to triploid
  • euploidy
    in plants, triploids can produce sterility, able to produce more f leshy fruits
  • euploidy
    Can cause the difference in the production of secondary metabolites
  • Monoploidy
    only one set of chromosomes.
  • Monoploidy
    Meiosis is very abnormal. No synapsis
  • monoploidy
    univalents only
  • monoploidy
    Sister chromatids may segregate meiosis I
  • monoploidy
    Almost completely sterile since the gametes produced do not usually contain a complete genome
  • monoploidy
    by chance, haploid gametes may have formed.
  • If fertilization occurs, diploid condition is restored.
  • Polyploidy
    ● More than two complete sets of chromosomes.
  • In some polyploids, genomes are identical, which is called autopolyploid.
  • autopolyploids- same capital letters
  • allopolyploids- different capital letters letters or subscript
  • autotriploid- AAA
  • allotetraploid- aabb / a1a1a2a2
  • Allohexaploid– three different genomes(AABBDD)
  • higherpolyploids- 4 genomes
  • Triploidy
    Three complete sets of chromosomes.
  • Triploidy
    Meiosisis abnormalsince synapsis is disturbed.
  • Triploidy
    Valents formed:
    Trivalent (III)
    Bivalent &aunivalent (II +I)
    Threeunivalents (I+I+I)
  • chains of three chromosomes may be observed during diakinesis
  • laggards may be observed at Anaphase I
  • Tetraploidy
    4 complete sets of chromosomes.
  • Autotetraploids- four identical genome(AAAA)
  • Allotetraploid– 2 different genome pairs (AABB).
  • Meiosis in autotetraploid is much distributed
  • tetraploidy
    Irregular meiotic pairing
  • tetraploidy
    quadrivalent (IV)
    oneunpaired(III + I)
    2bivalents (II + II)
    4univalents (4 I or I+I+I+I)
  • Aneuploidy
    ● Consists of mutations that involve
    changes in the number of
    chromosomes in the genome.
  • Aneuploidy
    Due to either addition or loss of one or more whole chromosomes during meiosis
  • Aneuploidy
    After meiosis one ofthe4daughter cells will chromosome
  • Tetrasomy (2n+2)
    Have two extra copies of chromosomes.