biomechanical analysis

Cards (13)

  • · Qualitative analysis to identify flaws and prescribe specific exercises.
    · Identify exercises/drills that stimulate performance.
  • Qualitative anatomical analysis:
    ·      Identify predominant muscle activity during phases of performance.
    ·      Identify instants of large stress due to large muscle forces/extreme ROM.
  • Methods of identifying:
    ·      Feeling performers muscles.
    ·      Performing activity > waiting for DOMS.
    ·      Electromyography (quantitative) or video analysis (qualitative).
  • Types of biomechanical analysis:
    • Qualitative (descriptive feedback ).
    •   Quantitative ( elite athletes due to being timely/costly ).
  • Analysing technique:
    ·       tactical= poor judgment or decision .
    ·       Technical: correct decision but executed poorly ( match statistics).
    ·      Could lead to injury or limit performance.
  • Preparation:
    knowledge of the skill:
    ·      Familiarise with the skill (strategy, physical requirement, rules).
    ·      Information source ( experience expert opinion, scientific research).
    Purpose of the skill:
    ·      Purpose/goal of skill= desired outcome.
    Knowledge of athlete:
    ·      Skill level (size of errors/variability).
    ·      Fitness (fatigue/flexibility).
    ·      Motivation/aspiration (concentration/Desire to achieve).
    ·      Anthropometry (anatomy/body composition).
  • Characteristics of technique:
    Method 1: assessment of traditional technique.
    ·      Observe performance by elite athletes
    ·      Refer to coaching manuals.
    Method 2: develop mechanical foundation of skill.
    ·      Deterministic model to identify cause and effect.
  • observation:
    • environmental conditions.
    • plane, distance, position of observation
    • videoed for replay.
    • phasic approach (break skill up).
  • Identifying error/flaws: check flaws are not psychological, physiological, tactical response.
    ·      Discrepancies (flaws) are ranked.
    ·      Never rank an effect (only cause).
    ·      Influence of flaw on performance.
    ·      Consider time to correct and relative to events.
  • Intervention: effectively communicate  flaw correction strategies in a meaningful way, then re-observe.
    ·      Describe verbally.
    ·      Demonstrate.
    ·      Video.
    Correct the flaw:
    ·      Break into parts.
    ·      Skill progression.
    ·      Extend skill.
  • Video camera considerations:
    • Picture quality.
    • Video file format
    • Camera lens.
    • Sampling frequency-frame rate must be twice value of highest frequency component contained in the pure signal.
    • Shutter/exposure time (low=long exposure time and blurred image vs high= short exposure time and sharp image).
  • Calibration:
    ·      Requires a calibration object.
    ·      Must be placed in same plane as movement.
    ·      Must be placed at same distance as movement.
  • Trials:
    • more trials necessary for novice.
    • 3 trials ALWAYS needed for SPE2BMA.