Cards (6)

  • Explain one reason why you chose that urban area (2) 2018
    easy to access, less than 1 hour so we could do complete it in one dayORArea is varied so that we could get a range of results allowing proper contrasts
  • Using an annotated sketch map, explain how you chose your site or location for data collection (4) 2018
    annotate a map - adding the compass point
    Local street names. health and safety considerations attempt to stratify data selection
    Roman Road
  • Explain one way in which you used quantitive data to measure differences in the environmental quality of your chosen area (2) 2019
    use of environmental survey measuring various aspects of the built environment in contrasting areasORtraffic count, used a timer for 1 minute to see the number of vehicles that passed by in that time.
  • Explain one weakness in the method that you used to collect quantitive data (2) 2016
    traffic countyou can lose count of how many cars are going past at one point. We only visited at a certain time of day.Environmental surveya lot of people may rank it differently
  • Explain how you would improve your data collection method to increase their accuracy (4)
    NOISE DECIBEL APP- make sure there is not other noise. Repeat and calculate and mean. Different people used different apps so many get different readings. Make sure everyone uses the same app and calculate meanTRAFFIC COUNT -do at different times of the day, visit and different times to allow variance. More data collected.
  • Explain why the conclusions that you reached might be unreliable.
    The conclusions may be unreliable as the environmental quality survey and crime risk surveys were based of personal opinion which may be biased.

    Also, the investigation was carried out on one day during working hours so most people would have been at work or school. and This means the interviews did not look at a wide range of people. and therefore conclusions may be invalid or unreliable.