Ethical and Social

Cards (3)

  • Weaknesses - Ethical
    • Psychological harm
    • Criticised for causing harm on a vulnerable ppt
    • The procedure created distress + potential lifelong fear as they also prevented Albert sucking his thumb
    • Arguably a unethical way to carry out study
    • Lack of debrief
    • W+R didn't debrief Albert's mother nor did they return Albert to his original state of no fear response to furry objects
    • This makes the study arguable unethical
  • Strengths - Ethical
    • W+R say they were ethical
    • Harm that Albert experience was said to be no more than everyday 'rough and tumble'
    • They intended to decondition Albert but his mother removed him from hospital before they could
    • Ethical guidelines did not exist at time; unfair to hold them accountable
  • Strengths - Social
    • Health sector
    • Showed that phobias are learnt; they can therefore be 'unlearnt'
    • led to successful application in the form of systematic desensitisation which counter condition fear with relaxation
    • proven valuable in phobia treatment, the study has positive implications
    • Education
    • environments + conditioning can affect emotions
    • Le Francois = CC to improve performance through maximising pleasant stimuli and reducing unpleasant ones
    • students will associate school with positive emotions; increasing attendance and performance; benefiting them in the future