Cards (25)

  • Vertebral Column of vertebrae is separated by intervertebral discs with normal curvature
  • sternum is part of the bony thorax; forms the breastbone and is a flat bone
  • The largest bone in the human body is the femur, which is the thigh bone
  • forearm bone in the pinky side is ulna
  • forearm consists of two bones: the ulna and the radius.
  • Fibrocartilage callus replaced by a bony callus during bone fracture repair
  • compact bone is a homogeneous bone tissue; forms the outer layer of bones
  • cancellous bone is spongy bone; found inside compact bone
  • bone fractures are breaks in bones; types include closed (simple) and open (compound) fractures
  • ischium is a curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis
  • irregular bone do not fit into other bone classification categories
  • humerus a shinbone; larger bone of the lower leg
  • appendicular skeletal includes limbs (appendages), pectoral girdle, and pelvic girdle
  • fibula a thin bone next to the tibia in the lower leg
  • patella is a flat triangular bone located at the front of the knee joint
  • carpals are eight small irregularly shaped bones that form the wrist
  • hyoid bone the only bone that does not articulate with another bone; base for the tongue
  • metatarsals bones of the sole of the foot
  • flat bone a thin and flattened bones with thin layers of compact bone around spongy bone
  • humerus is an upper arm bone
  • ulna-close to pinky, radius close to thumb, and carpals a wrist bone
  • bone on the top of vertebrae is cervical
  • lumbar is the bottom vertebrae
  • the three bone that articulate to form the knee bone are the patella, tibia, and femur
  • the three bone that articulate to form the elbow joints are the radius, ulna, and humerus