Attachment theory

Cards (6)

  • > Bowlby suggested that early difficulties in attachment leads to poor internal working models which leads to emotional troubles later on in life
    > This can lead to poor psychological health in the future which is linked to forming parasocial relationships.
  • Secure attachment in childhood
    • Can develop loving two-way relationships in real face-to-face relationships
    • Have little need for parasocial relationships
  • Insecure avoidant attachment in childhood
    • Have difficulty trusting others
    • Indulge in behaviours designed not to create intimacy, therefore are less likely to foster close emotional ties in either face to face or parasocial relationships
    • Less likely to form parasocial relationships
  • Insecure resistant attachment in childhood
    • Seek to have unfulfilled needs met in adult relationships
    • These individuals have a need for close emotional relationships and parasocial ones do not bring a fear of rejection, break-up and disappointment that real relationships do.
    • More likely to form parasocial relationships
  • Attachment theory AO3
    :) Universal explanation
    > Dinkha et al compared a collectivist culture (Kuwait) and an individualistic culture (USA) in terms of forming parasocial relationships
    > It was found that in both cultures, individuals with insecure attachment types were the most likely to form parasocial relationships with TV personalities and characters
    > This supports the idea that an insecure attachment type may be a universal explanation for parasocial relationships as the attachment theory suggests.
  • Attachment theory AO3
    :( Other evidence is not supportive
    > For example, psychologists (McCutcheon et al) measured attachment types and celebrity related attitudes in 299 American students
    > It was found that participants with insecure attachment types were no more likely to form parasocial relationships than those with secure attachments
    > Therefore, this limits the attachment theory as an explanation of parasocial relationships as it suggests the relationship between poor quality attachment and parasocial relationships may be more complex.