Why can't fish breathe in and out via ventilation?
Water is denser, more viscous and has a lower oxygen content than air, so requires too much energy to be efficiently moved by a 2-way ventilation system
Why do larger, eukaryotic organisms need specialised exchange surfaces?
Because they have greater metabolisms so need more resources and have lower SA:V ratios so cannot get all of these resources via simple diffusion, osmosis etc. as the substances need to travel further to get to our internal cells
Why can a single-celled organism only reach a certain size?
Because any larger and it's SA:V ratio would be too small for it to support its metabolism when only transporting materials via diffusion, osmosis etc.
What effect does the movements of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles have during expiration?
They decrease the volume of the chest cavity, causing its pressure to increase to more than atmospheric pressure and, with the help of the recoil of the elastic fibres in the alveoli, forcing air out of the lungs