Floodplains are formed by deposition in times of river flood
When a bank breaks, the water causes friction with the land and reduces velocity, this causes deposition
A) Silt deposits of flood plain
B) River's lateral erosion as meanders creates floodplain
C) Smaller sediment is carried further away
D) Largest sediment closer as river starts losing energy
E) Layers of sediment create a levee
With every flood, the river banks are built up a little higher with the heaviest particles closest to the river bed, creating raised banks and the finest particles further away as the energy can transport it
An estuary is the thin zone along a coastline where freshwater systems meet and mix with salt water oceans and seas. It is the tidal part of a river where the channel broadens
Where the fresh water and salt water meet, velocity is reduced, which causes deposition. This builds up layers of mud called mudflats. They will be covered at high tide but exposed at low tide