The Battle of Hastings

Cards (11)

  • Why was William more prepared?
    • Had better-trained soldiers, such as Mercenaries and Knights
    • Had better weapons, such as bows, large shields and pikes
    • Had experience from conquering areas of Normandy
    • Had the Pope's support (Papal Banner)
  • Why was Harold more prepared?
    • Had better positioning (Top of Senlac Hill)
    • Successfully fought against Welsh and Vikings
    • Had support from the Witan
  • What was Harold's formation?
    • A shield wall at the top of the hill
  • What was William's formation?
    • 3 Lines of archers, behind a line of Infantry and Cavalry
  • What was William's first move?
    • Carried the Papal Banner, and ordered the Archers to fire at the shield wall
    • However the Shield Wall didn't break
  • What did William then do after failing to break the Shield Wall with Archers?

    Ordered the Infantry to advance at them, but the hill was too steep
  • What rumour begun to spread?
    • That William died
    • William rose from the crowd and took of his helmet, saying, "Look at me, I live with God's help, I will conquer yet"
  • What other tactic did William use?
    Feigned Retreat - Faked running away to break the Shield Wall
  • How did the Battle end?
    • Harold's Shield Wall weakened - and so with one final assault from the Normans, Harold was killed along with his Fyrd
  • What did William do after his battle?
    Marched to London to claim the throne
  • When was William crowned?
    Christmas Day 1066