Social acceptance of births outside of marriage- no longer seen as illegitamate.
Increased educational opportunities for women.
Increasing number of women in workforce.
Increasing emphasis on the individual= e.g. freedom, choice, personal fulfillment.
Reasons for rise in lone-parents:
Increase in divorce and separation.
Increase in number of never-married women having children.
New Right view on Lone parents
MURRAY= growth of lone parents due to over-generous welfare state= provides benefits for unmarried mothers & their children.
Creates dependency culture & lack of discipline in children.
Step families account for over 10% of all families with dependent children in Britain.
Reasons for changing patterns of step families:
Factors causing increase in number of lone parents also responsible for the creation of step families.
More children in step families are from woman's previous relationship than man's, because children are more likely to remain with their mother.
Ethnic differences in family patterns
Higher proportion of lone-parent households.
High rate of female-headed, lone-parent black families= evidence of family disorganisation that can be traced back to slavery and recent high rates of unemployment among black males.
2012, over 1/2 of families with dependent children headed by black person were lone-parent families.
Sometimes contain 3 generations but most are nuclear rather than extended.
Houses were often shared in early period of migration. Later, most now nuclear with relatives living nearby.
Beanpole family:
Extends vertically through 3 or more generations.
Does not involve aunts, uncles, cousins etc.
Beanpole family may be the result of 2 demographic changes:
Increased life expectancy= more surviving grandparents & great-grandparents.
Smaller family sizes= fewer siblings= fewer horizontal ties.
CHAMBERLAIN= Extended family survives as it performs important functions for its members.