Cards (18)

  • Cosmological argument: come from natural theology, they use the world around us to prove God's existence. Universe cannot account for its own existence. Has a very long history ==> Plato argued that there must be some cause that has created everything. Aristotle argued an unmoved mover.
  • First three of the Aquinas' 5 ways are different variants of the cosmological argument. He based his argument on 2 assumptions:
    1. the universe exists
    2. there must be a reason why
  • Aquinas' first way: the unmoved mover
    • we observe that things are in motion
    • something must have set them into motion
    • a thing cannot cause itself to move
    • there must be an unmoved mover
    • this was pre-newtonian understanding
    • could not infinitely regress
    • the unmoved mover is called God
  • Aquinas' 2nd way: The Uncaused Cause
    • we observe efficient causation
    • nothing can cause itself
    • If A is the efficient cause of B, then if A doesn’t exist neither does B
    • there must be an uncaused cause to avoid infinite regression
    • this must be God
  • The first and second way attempt to show God must exist as the first mover or causer. The word ‘first’ in the concept of a first cause or first mover is not meant to indicate it being ‘first’ in time, but ontologically first in the sense that motion and causation are ontologically dependent on it.
  • Aquinas' third way: contingency or necessity
    • the world consists of contingent beings
    • dependent on something else for their existence
    • If there was once nothing, there would be nothing now, which is absurd
    • There must be a necessary being “having of itself its own necessity ->That thing we call God.
  • Gottfried Leibniz:
    • German Philosopher
    • argued with newton over who invented calculus
    • universe better understood in terms of relationships of space and time rather than facts
    • why is their something rather than nothing
  • Principle of Sufficient Reason by Gottfried Leibniz:
    • if something exists there must be a reason why that exists
    • if a statement is true, there must be a reason why the statement is true
    • if something happens there must be a reason why something happens
    • a reason for eternal existence ==> God
  • Humes Criticisms of the cosmological argument:
    • cannot establish for certain the principle of cause and effect
    • cannot infer a cause greater than that required to produce the effect. We observe an imperfect and limited world, perhaps the cause is also finite
    • no statement about existence can be logically necessary ==> Humes fork ==> no logical contradiction
    • what if the universe was eternal
    • matter has to exist => universe is necessary
  • Fallacy of Composition (Hume's criticism of Cosmological Argument):
    • we don't need to explain the universe as a whole
    • there doesn't need a mother for the whole human race =>Russell
  • For the Cosmological argument: William Lane Craig
    • based on Aristotle's Prime Mover
    • against infinite regression
    • Refined in the 11th Century by Islamic Scholar Al-Ghazali
    1. whatever begins to exist has a cause
    2. the universe began to exist
    3. therefore the universe has a cause
    • William was a Christian
    • he thought it was absurd to think that something could come into existence without a cause
    • "Transcending the entire universe there exists a cause which brought the universe into being ex nihilo. our whole universe was caused to exist by something beyond it and greater than it"
  • Al-Ghazali:
    • Islamic Philosopher and Scholar
    • believes God is the only efficient cause
    • every event in creation follows a pre-determined plan that is eternally present in God’s knowledge
  • Could the Kalam Cosmological Argument be true?
    Many scientists say there was a beginning. The Big Bang is a theory in which all matter, energy and time was created 12.5 billion years ago. Edwin Hubble => 'the universe is expanding outwards'
  • The Big Bang Theory ==> Criticism of Cosmological Argument
    • 1920s ==>Edwin Hubble observed that light from the stars became redder the further they travelled from the earth -->> the universe was expanding outwards
    • The Big Bang Theory was expanded on and or created by Catholic Priest and cosmologist Georges Lemaître in 1931
    • The Theory suggests all matter was compacted into a very small ball with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. Suddenly, the Singularity began expanding, and the universe as we know it began
    • started about 12-15 billion years ago
  • Arguments against the cosmological argument:
    1. WHATEVER BEGINS TO EXIST HAS A CAUSE: things aren't the way they seem, quantum physics effects without causes, could've existed before
    2. THE UNIVERSE BEGAN TO EXIST: what about a multiverse, we don't know the origins of other universes
    3. THEREFORE THE UNIVERSE MUST HAVE A CAUSE: the multive may or may not have a cause
  • Points that lead to the Kalam Argument being a fallacy
    • metaverse ( multiverse) may exist
    • our universe is hostile ==> God can't exist if he created a hostile world
    • AI => one day may create a virtual world in which they don't know they are virtual
    • need a naturalistic explanation
  • irreducible complexity' argument: Behe believes he has found the systems Darwin overlooked: By irreducibly complex I mean a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning
  • F.R. Tennant, in his book; 'Philosophical Theology' said that there must be a designer because; The universe perfectly fits the development of life.