Oklahoma Land Rush

Cards (10)

  • Indian Territory
    The area of land that had been reserved specifically for the Indians
  • Different tribes owned different sections of the Indian Territory
  • In the middle of the Indian Territory there was a section that no tribe officially owned
  • White settlers had been attempting to settle in the middle section of the Indian Territory since the beginning of the 1880's as it had very fertile farmland
  • The US army usually stopped the white settlers from settling in the middle section of the Indian Territory
  • The US government decided to allow white settlers onto the middle-section of the Indian Territory to file homestead claims
  • The first Oklahoma land rush
    1. At noon on the 22 April 1889, white settlers gathered around the boundary waiting for a signal to declare the territory was open
    2. When a gun sounded, thousands rushed across the border
  • There were a total of seven land rushes in 1893
  • By the end of 1893, Oklahoma had a population of 60,000
  • The land rush is significant as it is another example of the US government giving away Indian land because of pressure from white settlers