Cards (3)

  • recidivism
    • tendency to reoffend after release from prison
    • UK has some of the highest recidivism rates in the world- 57% of offenders reoffending
    • norway has much lower rates where they focus on rehabilitation
  • 4 aims of custodial sentencing
    1. deterrence- put people off from offending
    2. incapacitiation- protects the public especially from offenders who committed serious crimes
    3. retribution- punishment matches severity of crime
    4. rehabilitation- re-educate,train and offer treatments to criminals for them to reintergrate back into society
  • psychological effects of custodial sentencing
    • stress and depression- self hard or suicide
    • institutionalisation- struggle to adapt back to real world as used to routines of prinson
    • prisonisation- prisoners adopt an 'inmate code', behaviours only rewarded inside prison and not accepted in society