Cards (3)

  • strength- opportunities
    • surrounded by opportunities for learning and training
    • e.g Violent offender can partake in anger management schemes, whilst others may opt for token economy systems (behaviour modification)
    • Therefore, this suggests that prison is a useful method of dealing with offending behaviour and reduces risk to public when reintroduced to society
  • limitation- individual differences
    • the extent of the effects will depend on the dispositional traits of the convict, the length of their prison sentence, any previous experiences in prisons ect
    • this means that custodial sentencing can be more or less effective for certain individuals, and so should not be viewed as a universally effective method of dealing with all types of offending behaviour.
  • limitation- universities of crime
    • prison can act as a tool for educating and sharing skills for younger inmates
    • eg more experiences offenders teach them 'tricks of the trade'
    • prevents rehabilitation or the younger prisoners, increasing reoffending and potentially more dangerous crimes