
Cards (10)

  • Personality definitions
    An individual’s behavioural characteristics that make him or her different from others
  • Trait theory
    Personality is made up of a range of traits inherited from parental genes
    traits are behaviours that are pre-determined rather than learned
    doesn’t consider life experiences
  • Extrovert
    Affiliate well to other people
    outgoing and sociable
    likes excitement
    lacks concentration
    e.g. Captain of a rugby team
  • Neurotic/unstable
    displays extreme unpredictable emotions (mood swings)
    experience high degrees of stress
    e.g. not good at accuracy sports such as darts
  • Introvert
    Shy and reserved
    prefers isolation
    good concentration
    solo sports e.g. darts
  • Stable
    Display predictable emotions in appropriate situations
    mood I’d consistent
    dont experience intense stress
    central team player e.g. CAM in football
  • Interactionist approach (3 levels)
    Psychological core
    • true self (trait theory)
    typical response
    • the way we typically respond to certain situation
    • response is learned
    • e.g. always performing a tennis serve the same
    role related behaviour
    • external personality
    • behaviour will be completely different at different times and in different situations
  • Attitude definition
    Attitude is a predisposition to act in a particular way towards something or someone in a person’s environment
  • triadic model
    • what we believe to be true
    • feelings or emotional reactions towards an attitude
    • concerns how an individual behaves towards an attitude
    all components must be consistent if an attitude is stable
  • Cognitive dissonance (changing attitudes)
    If two or more attitude components are opposing then the attitude will be negative
    to be comfortable once again all components must be consistent