
Cards (13)

  • the vascular bundle is found in the centre of the root to resist forces that could pull the plant out of the soil
  • the xylem forms a cross-like structure in the centre which is surrounded by phloem vessels which adds strength to the toot as it pushes through the soil
  • apical meristem
    the growth tissue
  • root cap
    protects the root form environment stress
  • epidermis
    the 'skin' of the root and produces root hairs
  • root hairs
    extensions of epidermal cells and are very important for water and mineral intake
  • vascular cylinder 

    the core of the root and contains xylem and phloem
  • cortex
    surrounds the vascular cylinder and transports minerals into the centre of the root through diffusion, may also be used for storage of food in the form of starch
  • endodermis
    separates the cortex from the pericycle and helps to regulate the movement of water ions and hormones into and out of the vascular system
  • pericycle
    the layer of cells directly inside the endodermis where lateral roots originate
  • phloem
    takes the products of photosynthesis from the leaves down into the roots
  • xylem
    takes water and minerals from the roots up into the rest of the plant
  • cross-section of a root
    A) xylem
    B) phloem
    C) root hair