Cards (3)

  • strength- comparison
    • anger management seeks to tackle actual cause of offending unlike behavioural modification which is shallow behaviour change
    • means more effective in lower recidivism and more effective in long term
    • more people in public protected from reoffending and thus more successful
  • limitation- expensive
    • anger management requires highly trained and experienced specialist who are expensive to employ
    • prisons are usually underfunded and may not have the resources to access these specialist
    • thus not practical as not cost effective or realistic in some cases
    • + offenders need motivation and commitment in order to take part which some may not have if not willing to move out of criminal mindset or address anger issues
  • limitation- real world
    • in practice, as suggested by Blackburn, anger management is likely to have little effect on controlling anger in real-life.
    •  This is because the therapist will not be present to positively reinforce any desirable behaviours, and the prisoner may find themselves surrounded by stimuli/cues which trigger such anger.
    • Therefore, this suggests that such therapies are best reserved for improving prisoner’s conduct within prisons (rehabilitation), as opposed to providing a long-term solution to offending.