chapter 3- public health in medieval times

Cards (10)

  • what was public health like for monks ?
    • simple routines they stuck to to keep clean
    • could read and write so had more knowledge
    • had an idea of what was clean and what was not
    • were wealthier so have cleaner facilities
  • how did rivers effect public health ?
    • were often used to dispose of sewage but some towns took water from local springs
    • cesspits would often overflow into the rivers
    • were used for many things
    • river skells were used to dispose of waste water from toilets to the river
  • what was public health like in towns ?
    • streets were often littered but laws were passed encouraging people to keep streets clean
    • leather tanning used dangerous chemicals
    • butchers dumped waste blood and guts into rivers
    • towns were overpopulated & overcrowding became common
    • quarantine wasn't effective & ignornice tk germs
  • what was public health like in churches ?
    • churches were wealthier so had cleaner facilities
    • churches were fairly isolated so disease was harder to contract
    • had small infirmaries to help the Ill
    • monks washed clothes and themselves regulary
    • privies in churches that collected urine for other purposes
    • had lavatoriums which had pipes that delivered water to wash basins which had been filtered
  • what did people believe the black death is ?
    • spread by rats & fleas
    • had symptoms of bumps, fever and nausea
    • it was caused by astrology, bad air, poisoned wells
    • was a ounishment from God
  • where did the black death stem from ?
    • began in asia
    • travelled along trade routes to Europe
  • what was the black death actually ?
    • a mix of 2 plagues
    • actually caused by bacteria
    • fleas moved from rats to humans and passed disease
    • poorer parts were more vulnerable
  • what were the consequences of the black death ?
    • villages wiped out
    • demand for higher wages weakened the feudal system
    • damage to the Catholic church as priests died
    • food shortages
  • how did they treat the black death ?
    • prayer
    • unusual remedies such as shaving a chicken & attaching it to lumps
    • moving away
    • avoid contact with those who are infected
  • did the black death end ?
    • never really ended
    • further outbreaks occured in intervals